Les planètes blanc 2020 for toutlevin.com
In this article you will discover Yoann Palej's praise of our Ventoux appellation and the different favorites of toutlevin.com.
"Ventoux ticks all the boxes of an appellation in the making: virtuous commitment, dynamism and awareness of local actors, attractive wine profile, attractiveness of the territory, land accessibility, open-mindedness. Under the protective gaze of the Giant of Provence, which brings a saving coolness in the middle of the climatic slump, Toutlevin spent a day rich in discoveries in the south of the Rhône Valley. A real favorite.
AOC Ventoux, the new powerhouse of the Rhône Valley
Yoann Palej, toutlevin.com
Our appellation is "a potential of a great terroir in white." The team particularly appreciated our Les planètes blanc 2020 with a score of 16.5/20.
To read the entire article, click here.